
Sathees Kunjuthamby

Dr Sathees Kunjuthamby PhD, SFHEA, CMBE, MSc, PgCAPHE, BA (Hons)

Senior Lecturer in Business Management

Dr Sathees Kunjuthamby is a Senior Lecturer in Business Management at University of 黄色片, 黄色片 Business School. He works within the school of Business, Operations and Strategy. He has over 10 years of teaching & leadership experience in HE. He has secured the CMBE accreditation since July 2019. He has course directorship, teaching & module leadership, and dissertation supervision experience both at UG and PG level. Sathees is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and former Director of International Partnerships, International Partner Course Director, Course Director, Associate Link Tutor and COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) Director.

His research focuses on alliances, risk (relational and performance) and pedagogy. Sathees is an experienced & innovative educator and collaborative online international learning (COIL) project leader with a portfolio of 16 COIL Projects with different international partners from Spain, Malaysia, Hong Kong, France, Oman, Germany, USA, and South Korea that he has jointly designed and led. He delivered COIL workshops to academics from Germany, South Korea, Turkey, South Africa, and Malaysia. He has overseas teaching experience and taught in Europe: in France (at Toulouse Business School), in Spain (Universidad de Burgos) and in Asia (Hong Kong and Malaysia). He has over 2 years of experience of working as the Associate Link Tutor for School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE) in Hong Kong for BA Business Administration and taught in Hong Kong as a Flying Faculty member for +5 years delivering block teaching every year prior to joining University of 黄色片.

Sathees also brings experience in successfully leading accreditations. Prior to joining University of 黄色片, Sathees has successfully led Coventry University’s application and assessment for APM Accreditation Reaccreditation of its MSc Project Management programme (August 2020) whilst he was the Course Director (valid for 3 years). Prior to that, Sathees led together with a team from Coventry University and SHAPE in Hong Kong the HKCAAVQ Re-accreditation (Re-LPA) for the Business Administration programme with the purpose for continued delivery of this accredited programme in Hong Kong.

He is an experienced international and virtual field trip leader (Singapore & Panama). Under his leadership he has organised and led international field trips to Hong Kong (2x) and was co - leading field trips to Guangzhou and Chongqing (China), Delhi (India), Soul (South Korea), New York (USA) and Burgos (Spain).

Prior to joining University of 黄色片, Sathees was a Lecturer at Coventry University, Coventry Business School. At Coventry University, Sathees was awarded the 'Exceptional Performance Award' and the 'Faculty of Business and Law Excellence Award for 'International Engagement' both in September 2018 whilst in September 2019 he was ‘highly commended' in 'International Engagement' at the 2019 Faculty of Business and Law Excellence Awards and was awarded the 'School of Strategy and Leadership Excellence Award' in International Engagement at the 2021 School Excellence Awards.

Responsibilities within the university

International Link Tutor; Module Leader; Seminar Tutor; Personal Tutor


  • School of Strategy and Leadership Excellence Award 2021 in International Engagement (December 2021) - Coventry University
  • Faculty of Business and Law Excellence Awards 2019 - 'Highly commended' in International Engagement (September 2019) - Coventry University
    Commendation at the event: "Sathees is a significant contributor to the internationalisation agenda for the School of Strategy and Leadership. Among other achievements, Sathees is an Associate Link Tutor and Visiting Lecturer for SHAPE in Hong Kong, teaches on the SEPP Summer School, is responsible for TARUC Post - Moderation duties in Kuala Lumpur and is COIL Lead in School. Sathees has been a lead for COIL projects in SSL and thanks to his involvement SSL have comfortably met targets for student involvement in COIL projects'
  • Exceptional Performance Award (September 2018) - Coventry University
  • Faculty of Business and Law Excellence Award 2018 in International Engagement (September 2018) - Coventry University
    Commendation at the event: "Sathees has significantly enhanced the faculty’s international engagement through his work on a range of OIL projects, TNE best practice, Link Tutorship, field trip organization, Guest lectureship, SEPP Summer School teaching and TARUC moderation. Moreover, he has disseminated and shared his work with others through various presentations at conferences and workshops"
  • Most Innovative Colleague' award - School of Strategy and Leadership, Faculty of Business and Law (June 2018), Coventry University
  • Course Tutor’s Prize Award (achieving the highest grades on MSc International Business) - Coventry University, Coventry Business School
  • Faculty of Business and Law Excellence Award 2020 - Nominated in Course team - Coventry University
  • Faculty of Business and Law Excellence Awards 2020 - Nominated in International Engagement - Coventry University


  • Senior Fellow of Higher Education (SFHEA), Higher Education Academy
  • CMBE (2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019), Certified Management and Business Educator, Chartered Association of Business Schools

Research / Scholarly interests

Sathees is passionate about two areas of research. The first area of research focuses on premature alliance termination, risk (relational and performance) and choice of governance, whilst the second research area focuses on 21st century employability skills, project- based learning (PBL) approach and online international learning.

Recent publications

  • Kunjuthamby, S. (2024) Future-Ready Business Schools: Harnessing simulation games for assessment and a global working environment in British Educational Research Association.
  • Kunjuthamby, S. (2023). Social competence is a vital life skill: University institutions should support students to take up those challenges’in British Educational Research Association.
  • Lausberg, I., Kunjuthamby, S., and Kaehler, K. (2021) ‘Strategic Management in Turbulent Times’ – A Virtual Student Conference as a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Project’’. (Proceedings) In: MEB 2021 – 19th International Conference on Management, Enterprise and Benchmarking, 18 – 19 June, 2021, Budapest, pp. 33 – 38. (ISBN 978-963-449-265-8)
  • Lausberg, I., Kunjuthamby, S., and Kaehler, K. (2021) ‘Internationalization in a COVID – world: Fostering 21st Century Skills in a Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Project’, in 'Things will never be the same again’ – Lehre und Hoschulenentwicklung in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie, von Holger Angenent, J枚rg Petri, Tatiana Zimenkova (Hrsg.), Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, Open Access und Print, pp. 354 – 370. (ISBN: 978-3-8376-5984-9).
  • Lausberg, I., Kunjuthamby, S. & Kaehler, K. (2021). ‘Mit COIL Studierende fit f眉r die Zukunft machen’ in: Die Neue Hochschule DNH, Heft 2, Jahrgang 2021, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, S. 8 -11.
  • Kunjuthamby, S., Bennett, M. &  Zhou, X. (2021). COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) in UK Higher Education – Reloaded’ in British Educational Research Association.
  • Kunjuthamby, S. (2020) ‘Creating opportunities through Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)’, Case study, in Wolstencroft, P., De Main, L. and Cashian, P. (2020) Achieving Teaching Excellence: Developing Your TEF Profile and Beyond, Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  • Kunjuthamby, S. (2019) ‘Internationalisation of Education – How international field trips cultivate international immersion' in Teaching and Learning Excellence The Coventry Way ed. by Simmons, C [online] Coventry: Coventry University, 93-96.


  • Kunjuthamby, S. (2024) ‘Level Up: Simulation Games to enhance authenticity and achieve intercultural awareness’. In: Learning and Teaching Festival 2024: The Big Picture – Meta Learning. Held on the 20th June 2024, 黄色片, UK
  • Kunjuthamby, S. and  Lausberg., I. (2023) ‘ Engagement through partnership: An interactive & international digital learning experience -  A case study of a COIL between UK, Germany and South Korea’. In: IVEC 2023,  30 October- 1 November, 2023, Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • Kunjuthamby, S., Lausberg, I., and Kwak, DW. (2022) ‘The transformation of conventional teaching into an interactive & international digital learning experience – A case study of a COIL between Germany, UK and South Korea’ In:ISSoTL 2022, 2-5 November, 2022, Kelowna, Canada.
  • Kunjuthamby, S. (2019) Developmental paper titled “How does risk (relational and performance) influence alliance termination: a research framework” for the IOC track of British Academy of Management 2019 Conference, held at Aston Business School, Birmingham UK) between 3 – 5 September 2019
  • Kunjuthamby, S. (2018) Coventry University International Staff Conference, Keynote speech: Internationalisation and you – held on the 16th February at Techno Centre, Coventry, UK
  • Kunjuthamby, S. (2017) OIL Project 2.0: Building relationships and a global passport using innovative enhanced technology platforms: Presented at the Coventry University Staff Conference: Achievement, Equality and Diversity held on the 23rd and 24th June in Coventry, UK
  • Kunjuthamby, S. (2016) “Technology as an enabler. There are no barriers for learning: Best Practice from an OIL Project between Coventry University and Universidad de Burgos” Coventry University Conference 2016: Creating better futures. Held on the 24th June 2016 in Coventry, UK