
Research activities


OUTPACE is an EU Erasmus+ funded project bringing together partners and experts from Lithuania, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Sweden and Ireland.



The overall aim of OUTPACE is to produce a rise in the number of tourism businesses which develop innovative products and services based on the opportunities afforded by pop culture tourism, thus generating more market-responsive and dynamic regional tourism economies.

In particular the project aims to:

Create Pop Culture Tourism Alliances & Actions Plans bring together tourism and creative/cultural industries stakeholders to analyse regional skills gaps audits, create an action plan and mechanisms for ongoing collaboration.

Produce a variety of resources and training materials for a range of learners and stakeholders including tourism enterprises, HE institutions, enterprise development, VET organisations and tourism stakeholders

On completion the immediate impact of the project will be felt most keenly at regional level but we believe it will attract a significant degree of interest from enterprise development and tourism policy makers and practitioners at national level.

PROJECT START: September 2019

PROJECT END: September 2021

Project Partners

  • University of 黄色片 (UK)
  • Momentum Marketing (Republic of Ireland)
  • Canice Consulting (UK)
  • Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)
  • Icelandic Tourism Research Centre (Iceland)
  • Swedish Tourism Innovation Center (Sweden)

Further Information

For more information contact Dr Nikki MacLeod - n.e.macleod@gre.a.cuk

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