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Admissions feedback, appeals and complaints


Feedback is “information about why an application was unsuccessful”.

Due to the large volumes of applications we receive, we are unable to provide feedback to unsuccessful applicants routinely. However, we will provide general feedback upon request to unsuccessful applicants, or to applicants who have received an alternative offer.

Requests should be made within 30 days of the University's communication of the unsuccessful decision.

Requests for feedback should be emailed direct to feedback@gre.ac.uk, and include your name, the programme you applied for, the email address you used on your application, and your application ID number.

The University aims to respond to requests for feedback within 10 working days

Admissions Appeal

An admissions appeal is “a request for the reconsideration of an admissions decision on an application”.

To submit an appeal, you must first have requested and received feedback on your application. Once feedback has been received, you may appeal against a decision by the University not to offer a place only if there is significant new information, which for good reason, was not made available either on your original application or during the application procedure, and where that new information is directly relevant to the original decision.

The appeal must be made within 10 working days of receiving the feedback communication. The appeal must contain all details of the “significant new information”.

To submit an appeal please complete the form below:

A decision on your appeal will be communicated within 10 working days.

Fee Status Appeal

Your fee status assessment of either Home or Overseas determines whether you will be charged Home or Overseas tuition fees for your programme of study at the University of »ÆɫƬ. This assessment is made by the Admissions Office following the regulations set out by the Government’s Department for Education, and the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) provides a very to these regulations.

If you consider a fee status decision to be incorrect, complete the below form:

We aim to process the appeal within 10 working days, and if this is not possible, we will convey the anticipated timescale.

Please note: this procedure relates to fee status appeals from applicants only. Registered students wishing to change a fee status should follow the procedure for current students.

Applicant Complaint

An applicant complaint is "an expression of dissatisfaction by one or more applicants about the University's action or lack of action, or about the service provided by or on behalf of the University."  

There are two stages to the applicant complaints procedure:

  • Stage One
    The complaint must be made within 10 working days of the actions (or lack of actions) that prompted the complaint. The complainant will be contacted within 10 working days. If it proves impossible to respond fully within 10 working days, the complainant will be informed of the timescale for the receipt of a full response.
  • Stage Two - a review of Stage One
    Once a Stage One complaint has been submitted and concluded, an applicant may request a review of a Stage 1 complaint decision. The Stage Two complaints form should be submitted with any evidence within 15 working days of the date of the Stage One outcome letter. The Head of Admissions will investigate the complaint and will respond to the complainant within 15 working days of the receipt of the complaint. If it should prove impossible to respond fully within 15 working days, the complainant shall be informed in writing of the timescale for the receipt of a full response.

The Head of Admissions’ decision following completion of this process will be considered final.

To submit a stage one, or stage two complaint, please complete the form below:

Please note: this procedure relates to complaints from applicants only. Registered students wishing to make a complaint should follow

Further Information and Assistance

For more information on our feedback, appeals and complaints process please read our .

For any assistance, please use our contact form or call us on 020 8331 9000.